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One of the most common problem areas for women is sagging flabby upper arms. Loss of skin elasticity, excess fat and sagging skin of the upper arms have earned the less-than-affectionate nickname “batwings”. This area is highly resistant to exercise.

The only option for correction until this point has been a surgical procedure called a brachioplasty or arm lift. This procedure involves an incision along the inner upper arm that typically extends from the armpit to the elbow. The lengthy scar can be obvious and has been a deterrent for patients to move forward in upper arm reduction and lift.

SmartARMLift ™

Is an advanced “Nonsurgical arms high-definition contouring and skin lifting” that is a scalpel- and scar-free option to correct batwings. It addresses excess fat and skin laxity in the upper arms resulting from weight fluctuations and natural aging. SmartARMLift ™ reduces the circumference of the arm by removing the excess fat and tightening hanging skin that contributes to the dreaded “bat wing” appearance.



  • No Scalpel
  • No General Anesthesia
  • No Unsightly scars
  • Back to work in 2 days*
  • Exercise in 2 weeks*

*(Results may vary)

SmartARMLift™ Before and After
Beverly Hills Aesthetics non-surgical specialist. SmartArmLiftTM

The surgical arm lift procedure addresses excess fat and skin laxity in the upper arms resulting from weight fluctuations and natural aging. Traditional arm lift “Brachioplasty” removes a large chunk of loose skin—leaving a highly visible scar from your armpit to your elbow.

Surgical Arm Lift: Large skin flap incision, unsightly long scar
Surgical ArmLift. Large Skin flap excision. Unsightly Long Scar.

These abrasive surgeries also require risky general anesthesia and ultimately cause more pain.


Unlike a full arm lift where a lot of skin is removed, a mini-arm lift can be done on patients who only need a small amount of skin removed and who do not want visible scars. This much smaller lift only takes out an ellipse of skin in the armpit (axilla) leaving a scar that is only visible when the arm is fully raised. This results in a minimal lift of the uppermost portion of the arm only and can be combined with some liposuction.

Mini Surgical Arm Lift: smaller skin flap incision, unsightly short scar
Mini Surgical ArmLift. Smaller Skin flap excision. Unsightly short Scar.

SmartARMLift ™ VS. SurgicalARMLift?

SmartARMLift ™ VS. SurgicalARMLift Which is better?
SmartArmLiftTM vs. SurgicalARMLift. Which is better?
SmartARMLift ™: restores arm contour and tightens skin, No Scalpel, No General Anesthesia, No Unsightly scars, Back to work in 2 days* , Exercise in 2 weeks*, Results may vary
SmartARMLift ™: restores arm contour and tightens skin, No Scalpel, No General Anesthesia, No Unsightly scars, Back to work in 2 days* , Exercise in 2 weeks*, Results may vary
SurgicalARMLift ™: extensive surgical skin condition, General Anesthesia, Lengthy long scar, Back to work in 7 days* , Exercise in 6 weeks*, Results may vary
SurgicalARMLift ™: extensive surgical skin condition, General Anesthesia, Lengthy long scar, Back to work in 7 days* , Exercise in 6 weeks*, Results may vary
SmartARMLift ™ Are you ready for a slim firm arm with no surgery?
SmartARMLift ™ Are you ready for a slim firm arm with no surgery?


Female patient before and after SmartARMLift ™
Beverly Hills Aesthetics non-surgical specialist. SmartArmLiftTM
Female patient before and after SmartARMLift ™
Beverly Hills Aesthetics non-surgical specialist. SmartArmLiftTM
Female patient before and after SmartARMLift ™
Beverly Hills Aesthetics non-surgical specialist. SmartArmLiftTM

For more information or to find out the right option for you, call Beverly Hills Aesthetics at 424-284-7570 Or Request a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Assassa. We look forward to meeting you.

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