Stubborn body fat is a common problem for many people. Sometimes it seems that no matter how much you diet and how hard you work out, there are some areas of the body that just don’t respond in the way that you would like them to. This can be incredibly frustrating and have a very real impact on your confidence and self-esteem.
One of the areas of the body that holds onto stubborn pockets of fat particularly well is the abdomen. While anyone can experience excess, stubborn fat on the abdominal area, it is particularly common in people who have been through pregnancy, have lost a lot of weight or are genetically pre-disposed to stomach fat and weight gain.
Unfortunately, excess fat on the abdomen can affect the way that clothes fit and causes many people to feel self-conscious about their appearance whether they are clothed or not. The good news is that there are treatments that can help. One of the easiest and most effective is through tumescent abdominal liposuction.
Tumescent liposuction is a cosmetic surgery treatment that enables people to achieve a silhouette that is slimmer and more toned than before. The procedure is fairly straightforward and minimally invasive.
Firstly, a solution containing a combination of local anesthetic and a drug called epinephrine is injected into the area that you wish to target. This solution fills the fatty layer of the skin, causing it to swell and firm. It also causes the blood vessels to shrink for the duration of the procedure, which helps to limit blood loss during the procedure and reduce bruising, swelling, and discomfort afterward.
Once injected with the solution, your surgeon will make a small incision into the skin which will be used to insert a cannula. This is a long, thin tube attached to a vacuum. Your surgeon will move the cannula back and forth to loosen the fat so that it can be sucked up through the tube into a collection vessel. Your surgeon will use their skill to exert control over the shaping to give you a smoother, flatter, and more streamlined appearance.
Once the procedure is complete, the incisions will be closed using sutures, and you’ll have a compression bandage placed over the area. This will help protect it, as well as control swelling and pain and help your skin contract and heal.
As well as on the abdomen, tumescent liposuction than being used on other areas of the body where stubborn fat collects, such as the ‘love handles’, hips, thighs, and upper arms. It can even be used to reduce the appearance of excess fat on the male breast area.
Since the solution being injected into you contains local anesthetic, you can expect this to continue to work for around 24 hours, helping you to manage the initial post-operative discomfort. Beyond this, over the counter pain medication should be sufficient to keep you comfortable.
The area will feel sore, as if you completed a vigorous workout a day or two beforehand. However, you should avoid exercise for up to a week. You’ll be advised to rest and drink plenty of water, as this will help to control the swelling, most of which will subside within a week. However, it could take anywhere up to six months to see the full and true result of your tumescent liposuction procedure.
For more information or to find out the right option for you, call Beverly Hills Aesthetics at 424-284-7570. We look forward to meeting you.
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640 South San Vicente Blvd Suite# 410
Los Angeles, CA 90048